A new approach to identifying the potentialities of User Experience techniques

  • João Batista da Silva Júnior UNIFACS
  • Artur Henrique Kronbauer UNIFACS


Nowadays, there are a lot of techniques to evaluate the hedonic experiences of users with the use of technological products. The main problem is that, the fact that these techniques use different denominations for each type of feeling they can collect, make hard for evaluators to identify what exactly each technique can evaluate. Moreover, it is important to know the potential of each feeling, so the evaluators can choose the most appropriate technique for each type of evaluation. looking on that way, this article presents a new approach to identify the feelings that each User eXperience (UX) technique manages to encompass and what its potentialities are. The results of the study are promising, having as a legacy the description of the approach and the results of the evaluation of five UX techniques based on a self-report questionnaire.
Palavras-chave: User eXperience, UX method, hedonic experience, Affect Grid, Emocards, PrEMO, ESM, SAM
SILVA JÚNIOR, João Batista da; KRONBAUER, Artur Henrique. A new approach to identifying the potentialities of User Experience techniques. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 24. , 2018, Salvador. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . p. 291-294.