Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019)

This special issue of JIS presents the extended versions of the best full papers of the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC 2018) on its twentieth anniversary. In these 20 years, IHC has consolidated itself as the Brazilian HCI community’s main event, and has played a relevant role in the establishment of the HCI community itself. IHC 2018 was held in Belém, from October 22 to 26. In 2018, there were 166 valid submissions for full papers, and 42 were accepted (25.3% acceptance rate). This special issue presents the seven papers selected as best papers from the 42 presented at the conference. It is worth noting that their extended versions present original content or new contributions when compared to their original IHC 2018 version, and they were submitted to a new and independent review process.

Published: 2019-12-20
