Current Issue

2023: Companion Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice

The Companion Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2023) bring the papers selected and presented in the edition of the event held from September 25-29, 2023, in the city of Campo Grande/MS, Brazil. In this issue, the proceedings bring together the papers accepted and presented in three of the events integrated into the congress: Industry Track, Software Engineering Doctoral and Master Thesis Competition (CTD-ES) and Undergraduate Research on Software Engineering Competition (CTIC-ES). These papers were selected through a single-blind review. This volume was organized by Amaury A. Castro Junior (UFMS, Brazil) and Rosana T. Vaccare Braga (USP, Brazil) – coordinators of Industry Track; Claudia Werner (UFRJ, Brazil) and Davi Viana (UFMA, Brazil) – coordinator of the CTD-ES; and finally, Rita S. P. Maciel (UFBA, Brazil) and Tiago L. Massoni (UFCG, Brazil) – coordinators of CTIC-ES.

For more information about CBSoft 2023, visit the website of the event.

To access the Proceedings of other events that are part of CBSoft 2023, visit the Proceedings of CBSoft 2023.

Published: 2023-09-25

Industry Track

Software Engineering Doctoral and Master Thesis Competition (CTD-ES)

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