Computational Thinking and Scratch: A Report of Experiences with Public High School Students in the Federal District

  • Vinicius Aguiar Monteiro University of Brasília
  • Maristela Holanda University of Brasília


The teaching of Computational Thinking (CT) in Brazilian Basic Education (BBE) is important for meeting the skills and abilities recommended by the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) in Brazil for high school. In this context, this article presents an experience report of the application of CT concepts, in two stages and three public high schools in the Federal District, using the Visual Scratch Programming Language. The article describes the proposed methodology, monitoring of student learning and lessons learned. The results indicate that the methodology was well accepted, and the course contributed to increase students' general computer knowledge. Among the lessons learned are: the course with a single project throughout the classes improved student engagement; the need for investments in computer labs in public schools; and the difficulty of engaging students in remote teaching.

Keywords: Computational Thinking, Computer science education, Scratch, Common National Curriculum Base


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MONTEIRO, Vinicius Aguiar; HOLANDA, Maristela. Computational Thinking and Scratch: A Report of Experiences with Public High School Students in the Federal District. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING EDUCATION (EDUCOMP), 3. , 2023, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 254-261. DOI: