Segmentação de Imagens Infravermelhas Para Detecção do Câncer de Mama Utilizando U-NET CNN

  • Matheus de Freitas Oliveira Baffa USP
  • Alessandra Martins Coelho IF SudesteMG
  • Aura Conci UFF


Breast cancer is the leading type of cancer among women. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, in 2018, over 2 million new cases were detected around the world. Despite its high occurrence, early detection provides a better prognosis and helps increases the patient's survival. Significant advances in screening techniques, such as infrared imaging, have provided a cheap and less invasive way to detect the disease. Besides, computational tools can be used to assist doctors to provide a better diagnosis. Thus, this paper presents a segmentation method based on U-Net Convolutional Neural Networks. In contrast to state-of-art, machine learning approaches have shown to be efficient for the region of interest segmentation, reaching an accuracy of 98.24% and an Intersection-Over-Union of 94.38%. The use of this segmentation method may be very useful for classification tasks, once the region of interest is well delimited for feature extraction.


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How to Cite
Matheus Baffa, Alessandra Coelho, and Aura Conci. 2021. Segmentação de Imagens Infravermelhas Para Detecção do Câncer de Mama Utilizando U-NET CNN. In Proceedings of the 21st Brazilian Symposium on Computing Applied to Health, June 15, 2021, Evento Online, Brasil. SBC, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 119-128. DOI:

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