DenseNet Networks with Multiple Attention Mechanisms Applied to Automatic Penile Cancer Classification in Histopathological Images

  • João Guilherme Araujo do Vale UFMA
  • Italo Francyles Santos da Silva UFMA
  • Caio Eduardo Falcão Matos UFMA
  • Geraldo Braz Júnior UFMA
  • Marcos Gabriel Mendes Lauande UFMA


Penile carcinoma, also known as penile cancer, is a malignant neoplasm that predominantly affects men over 50 years old. Late diagnosis leads to significant complications that deeply impact patients’ lives in psychological, emotional, and social terms. Exams such as histopathological analysis are essential for early diagnosis but require time and highly qualified professionals. The use of deep machine learning, through convolutional neural networks, emerges as a highly applicable approach in this context.In this work, two methods were proposed for the automatic classification of penile cancer, using DenseNet neural networks with attention mechanisms in their architecture. The dataset was provided by the Penile Cancer Project of the Legal Amazon, containing 194 images at 40x and 100x magnifications. As a result, the best model achievedan F1-Score of 93.1% at the 100x magnification.


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VALE, João Guilherme Araujo do; SILVA, Italo Francyles Santos da; MATOS, Caio Eduardo Falcão; BRAZ JÚNIOR, Geraldo; LAUANDE, Marcos Gabriel Mendes. DenseNet Networks with Multiple Attention Mechanisms Applied to Automatic Penile Cancer Classification in Histopathological Images. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING APPLIED TO HEALTH (SBCAS), 24. , 2024, Goiânia/GO. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 495-506. ISSN 2763-8952. DOI:

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