Uma Arquitetura para Auditoria de Nível de Serviço para Computação em Nuvem

  • Juliana Bachtold PUCPR
  • Altair O. Santin PUCPR
  • Maicon Stihler PUCPR
  • Arlindo L. Marcon Jr PUCPR
  • Eduardo Viegas PUCPR


This paper's purpose is a multiparty Service Level Agreement (SLA) for cloud computing auditing. Audits are performed on the IaaS provider, IaaS contractor (SaaS provider) and SaaS client. The objective is to audit the cloud environment problems, internally and externally, in an unquestionable way by the parties. The proposal uses inspectors (auditing collector agents) and an independent auditor (third party), capable of identifying SLA deviations through information collected in the parties' environments. The results show that it is possible to audit and diagnose problems in the cloud by combining information from the parties with the independent auditing, in addition to avoiding conflicts of interest of the inspectors.


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BACHTOLD, Juliana; SANTIN, Altair O.; STIHLER, Maicon; MARCON JR, Arlindo L.; VIEGAS, Eduardo. Uma Arquitetura para Auditoria de Nível de Serviço para Computação em Nuvem. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION AND COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEMS SECURITY (SBSEG), 12. , 2012, Curitiba. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2012 . p. 263-276. DOI:

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