ADBuilder: a Datasets Building Tool for Android Malware Detection


Most existing datasets have a limited number or lagged of samples, which compromises the training of models for Android malwares detection. In the literature there are some works that propose the construction of datasets, however, none of them sufficiently defined and integrated to the point of delivering a dataset in an automated and systematized way to the user. In this work, we propose the ADBuilder tool, which allows the integrated, automated and systematized construction of updated datasets for Android malwares detection domain. ADBuilder is made up of four independent modules, each module comprising a set of tools or services needed to build up-to-date datasets.
Keywords: Dataset Building Tool, Building Tool for Android Malware Detection, ADBuilder


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VILANOVA, Lucas; KREUTZ, Diego; ASSOLIN, Joner; QUINCOZES, Vagner; MIERS, Charles; MANSILHA, Rodrigo; FEITOSA, Eduardo. ADBuilder: a Datasets Building Tool for Android Malware Detection. In: TOOLS - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION AND COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEMS SECURITY (SBSEG), 22. , 2022, Santa Maria. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 143-150. DOI:

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