Professional Experience Characterization on Information Systems Teams Collaboration


Context: Producing new knowledge and innovative solutions are challenges for organizations and their Information Systems (IS). They are closely related to collaboration among professionals beyond the scope of specific individual skills and knowledge. Problem: Collaboration between people with heterogeneous professional experiences is widely discussed in the literature in different areas of knowledge but with little emphasis on collaboration in Information Systems (IS) teams. Additionally, there is no clear understanding of individual work experiences impact on the performance of IS teams. Solution: This study aims to understand the impact and influence of individual professional experience in the context of IS team collaboration through a systematic mapping study. IS Theory:The research was developed under the aegis of the Social Exchange Theory, particularly concerning the exchange of non-material goods. Method: A systematic mapping study was conducted. Results Summary: In general, studies indicate that professional experience impacts collaboration among professionals, resulting in better team performance, considering both quality and innovation of solutions. They also point out the influence of professional experience on learning process speed, using knowledge and skills to make cooperation more efficient. Besides that, professional experiences heterogeneity in IS teams brings a set of benefits and challenges to collaboration. Contributions and Impact in IS area: Identifying impacts, influences, benefits, and challenges on the topic assists in formulating theories that support the use of individual professional experience to improve collaboration results in IS teams based on the Social Exchange Theory. This study contributes to the Grand Research Challenge “Systemic and Socially Aware Perspective for Information Systems.”

Palavras-chave: professional experience, professional background, professional know-how, collaboration, information systems, systematic mapping study


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