Evaluation of Deep Learning Transfer Techniques for Mangrove Segmentation with Images of the Sentinel-2A
Fine-tuning techniques allow the use of weights from pre-trained networks in other models across different contexts, potentially improving training performance as it generally requires fewer computational resources and less data. Finetuning has become more widespread in the natural domain (RGB) with the availability of pre-trained model weights from the ImageNet database. However, pre-trained models in the same domain are not readily available for the remote sensing domain, such as in mangrove identification. Both nationally and in the state of Paraná, there are few studies employing deep learning for mangrove segmentation. Developing models using deep learning transfer can help establish automated monitoring systems. Thus, this study evaluated fine-tuning techniques for mangrove segmentation in Paraná using the U-Net model with pre-trained encoders in the same domain, remote sensing, and the natural domain. The dataset for training the U-Net was generated using bands from the Sentinel-2A satellite and annotations from the MapBiomas project maps. The fine-tuned networks discussed in this study accurately identified mangroves in Paraná, all achieving accuracies above 95.1% and F-scores greater than 92.6%.Referências
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P. Iakubovskii, “Segmentation models pytorch,” 2019, last accessed: Feb. 2024. [Online]. Available: [link]
Y. Dong, K. Yu, and W. Hu, “Gc-unet: an improved unet model for mangrove segmentation using landsat8,” in Proceedings, International Conference on Big Data Engineering. IEEE, 2021, pp. 58–63.
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C. Diniz, L. Cortinhas, G. Nerino, J. Rodrigues, L. Sadeck, M. Adami, and P. W. M. Souza-Filho, “Brazilian mangrove status: Three decades of satellite data analysis,” Remote Sensing, vol. 11, no. 7, p. 808, 2019.
C. M. Souza, J. Z. Shimbo, M. R. Rosa, L. L. Parente, A. A. Alencar, B. F. T. Rudorff, H. Hasenack, M. Matsumoto, L. G. Ferreira, P. W. M. Souza-Filho, S. W. de Oliveira, W. F. Rocha, A. V. Fonseca, C. B. Marques, C. G. Diniz, D. Costa, D. Monteiro, E. R. Rosa, E. Vélez-Martin, E. J. Weber, F. E. B. Lenti, F. F. Paternost, F. G. C. Pareyn, J. V. Siqueira, J. L. Viera, L. C. F. Neto, M. M. Saraiva, M. H. Sales, M. P. G. Salgado, R. Vasconcelos, S. Galano, V. V. Mesquita, and T. Azevedo, “Reconstructing three decades of land use and land cover changes in brazilian biomes with landsat archive and earth engine,” Remote Sensing, vol. 12, no. 17, 2020.
K. Maurya, S. Mahajan, and N. Chaube, “Remote sensing techniques: Mapping and monitoring of mangrove ecosystem—a review,” Complex & Intelligent Systems, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 2797–2818, 2021.
Q. Li, F. K. K. Wong, and T. Fung, “Mapping multi-layered mangroves from multispectral, hyperspectral, and lidar data,” Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 258, p. 112403, 2021.
T. L. Giang, K. B. Dang, Q. T. Le, V. G. Nguyen, S. S. Tong, and V.-M. Pham, “U-net convolutional networks for mining land cover classification based on high-resolution uav imagery,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 186 257–186 273, 2020.
K. Nogueira, O. A. Penatti, and J. A. Dos Santos, “Towards better exploiting convolutional neural networks for remote sensing scene classification,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 61, pp. 539–556, 2017.
D. Lomeo and M. Singh, “Cloud-based monitoring and evaluation of the spatial-temporal distribution of southeast asia’s mangroves using deep learning,” Remote Sensing, vol. 14, no. 10, p. 2291, 2022.
M. Guo, Z. Yu, Y. Xu, Y. Huang, and C. Li, “Me-net: a deep convolutional neural network for extracting mangrove using sentinel-2a data,” Remote Sensing, vol. 13, no. 7, p. 1292, 2021.
J. A. Arias-Aguilar, E. López-Jimenez, O. D. Ramírez-Cárdenas, J. C. Herrera-Lozada, and N. Hevia-Montiel, “Mangrove semantic segmentation on aerial images,” IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 379–386, 2024.
T. V. Tran, R. Reef, X. Zhu, and A. Gunn, “Characterising the distribution of mangroves along the southern coast of vietnam using multi-spectral indices and a deep learning model,” Science of The Total Environment, p. 171367, 2024.
W. S. Maung and J. Sasaki, “Assessing the natural recovery of mangroves after human disturbance using neural network classification and sentinel-2 imagery in wunbaik mangrove forest, myanmar,” Remote Sensing, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 52, 2020.
Y. Li, B. Fu, X. Sun, D. Fan, Y. Wang, H. He, E. Gao, W. He, and Y. Yao, “Comparison of different transfer learning methods for classification of mangrove communities using mccunet and uav multispectral images,” Remote Sensing, vol. 14, no. 21, p. 5533, 2022.
P. Helber, B. Bischke, A. Dengel, and D. Borth, “Eurosat: A novel dataset and deep learning benchmark for land use and land cover classification,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 2217–2226, 2019.
N. Gorelick, M. Hancher, M. Dixon, S. Ilyushchenko, D. Thau, and R. Moore, “Google earth engine: Planetary-scale geospatial analysis for everyone,” Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017.
O. Ronneberger, P. Fischer, and T. Brox, “U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation,” in Proceedings, International Conference Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention–MICCAI. Munich, Germany: Springer, 2015, pp. 234–241.
K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun, “Deep residual learning for image recognition,” in Proceedings, IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. IEEE, 2016, pp. 770–778.
P. Helber, B. Bischke, A. Dengel, and D. Borth, “EuroSAT: A Novel Dataset and Deep Learning Benchmark for Land Use and Land Cover Classification,” Mar. 2023. [Online]. Available: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7711810
J. Ansel, E. Yang, H. He, N. Gimelshein, A. Jain, M. Voznesensky, B. Bao, P. Bell, D. Berard, E. Burovski et al., “Pytorch 2: Faster machine learning through dynamic python bytecode transformation and graph compilation,” in Proceedings, vol. 2. ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems., 2024, pp. 929–947.
H. Dastour and Q. K. Hassan, “A comparison of deep transfer learning methods for land use and land cover classification,” Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 10, p. 7854, 2023.
P. Iakubovskii, “Segmentation models pytorch,” 2019, last accessed: Feb. 2024. [Online]. Available: [link]
Y. Dong, K. Yu, and W. Hu, “Gc-unet: an improved unet model for mangrove segmentation using landsat8,” in Proceedings, International Conference on Big Data Engineering. IEEE, 2021, pp. 58–63.
Como Citar
ALBUQUERQUE, Amanda Cristina Fraga de; BORGES, Helyane Bronoski.
Evaluation of Deep Learning Transfer Techniques for Mangrove Segmentation with Images of the Sentinel-2A. In: WORKSHOP DE TRABALHOS DA GRADUAÇÃO - CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 37. , 2024, Manaus/AM.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 139-142.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sibgrapi.est.2024.31659.