A Flexible Architecture for Building Ruled-Based Text-to-Gloss Machine Translators - Extended Abstract

  • Vinícius Veríssimo UFPB
  • Manuella Aschoff UFPB
  • Rostand Costa UFPB
  • Tiago Maritan UFPB
  • Suanny Vieira UFPB
  • Alexandre Santos UFPB


Deaf people face a number of difficulties in accessing information, primarily in dynamic, high-volume environments such as the Web. One of the major obstacles is due to the fact that this information is available almost entirely in the oral language only, while the deaf communicate naturally using signals. ere are some solutions available in the literature for automatic translation of oral language content into sign languages, but they are usually restricted to translating content into a single input oral language. The objective of this work is to investigate the feasibility of generalization of a translation strategy with syntactic-semantic treatment, originally directioned from Brazilian Portuguese for LIBRAS, to define a flexible architecture for the construction of automatic translators of several oral languages for associated sign languages. The hypothesis we wish to evaluate is that an extensible and configurable translation core, based on the interpretation of formally defined rules and grammars acting at the morphological, syntactic or semantic levels, can be used to implement new machine translation initiatives for sign languages or as a way to improve the quality of translation in existing tools.
VERÍSSIMO, Vinícius; ASCHOFF, Manuella; COSTA, Rostand; MARITAN, Tiago; VIEIRA, Suanny; SANTOS, Alexandre. A Flexible Architecture for Building Ruled-Based Text-to-Gloss Machine Translators - Extended Abstract. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 23. , 2017, Gramado. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 473-480.
