Do gamified tutoring systems hinder sexual diversity? An experimental study with cis-heteronormative stereotype

  • Breno Felix de Sousa UFAL
  • Geiser Chalco Challco USP
  • Marcelo Reis UFAL
  • Ig Ibert Bittencourt Santana UFAL
  • Jessica Fernanda Silva Barbosa UFAL
  • Francys Rafael do Nascimento Martins UFAL
  • Seiji Isotani USP


Cis-heteronormative stereotyping in STEM fields is responsible for making minority groups like LGBTQ+ feel like they don’t belong in these fields of science. To identify and analyze the effects of such stereotypes, we performed a quasi-experiment with N = 70 participants in a gamified system. The results indicate that self-declared cis-heterosexual participants had better flow experiences in environments with stereotypes that disagreed with their sexual orientation. As for the expected performance, stereotypes not aligned with sexual orientation were harmful. These results reflect the importance of developing socially inclusive educational technologies, with mechanisms that allow customization of the interface to avoid disadvantage of minority groups.


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SOUSA, Breno Felix de; CHALLCO, Geiser Chalco; REIS, Marcelo; SANTANA, Ig Ibert Bittencourt; BARBOSA, Jessica Fernanda Silva; MARTINS, Francys Rafael do Nascimento; ISOTANI, Seiji. Do gamified tutoring systems hinder sexual diversity? An experimental study with cis-heteronormative stereotype. In: CONCURSO ALEXANDRE DIRENE (CTD-IE) - DISSERTAÇÕES DE MESTRADO - CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO (CBIE), 12. , 2023, Passo Fundo/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 75-83. DOI: