Uma avaliação de toolkits para criptografia baseada em emparelhamento bilinear

  • Frederico M. B. Sampaio UFMG
  • Lucas Goulart Grossi UFMG
  • Antonio L. Maia Neto UFMG
  • Ítalo Cunha UFMG
  • Antonio A. F. Loureiro UFMG
  • Leonardo B. Oliveira UFMG


Bilinear pairing has many applications in cryptography. Several IDbased, and also attribute-based cryptosystems were proposed using bilinear pairings of algebraic curves. This work aims at presenting the principal pairingbased cryptography toolkits, comparing their main characteristics as optimization, readability and coverage. This paper also contemplates an evaluation of the performance and energy efficiency of each of them and their cryptoprimitives, in order to define the pros and cons of each toolkit.


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SAMPAIO, Frederico M. B.; GROSSI, Lucas Goulart; MAIA NETO, Antonio L.; CUNHA, Ítalo; LOUREIRO, Antonio A. F.; OLIVEIRA, Leonardo B.. Uma avaliação de toolkits para criptografia baseada em emparelhamento bilinear. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SEGURANÇA DA INFORMAÇÃO E DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (SBSEG), 15. , 2015, Florianópolis. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2015 . p. 330-333. DOI:

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