Critical Success Factors of Agile Transformation Initiatives from a Project Management Perspective


Context: Agile methods have been adopted as an alternative to meet the frequent changes in the IT industry and to address issues of quality, cost, speed, and efficiency in systems development processes. Problem: Managers are responsible for the appropriate application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques that can impact the success or failure of an agile transformation initiative. However, there is not much visibility into the critical success factor (CSF) associated with it. Solution: We aim to identify the CSF that affect agile transformation initiatives from a project management perspective. IS Theory: The General Systems Theory provides the basis for this study since the organizational aspects involved in the agile transformation are interrelated and influenced by factors such as environment, culture, information technology, internal management systems, and other elements that may hinder its adoption. Method: We performed a systematic mapping study in the following digital databases: EI Compendex, IEEE, ISI Web of Science, and SCOPUS. Summary of Results: We identified 12 CFS based on 12 studies. The most cited ones were top management support, team empowerment, adapting the process to agile, and customer focus. Adoption of participatory management, good communication, and building strong teams are among the least mentioned CSF. Contributions and Impact in the IS Area: Our results can help organizations in new agile transformation initiatives. Such CSF are interrelated and, if taken into consideration, have an essential effect on the success of the agile transformation. Moreover, management should consider the business through a systemic and holistic view because those CSF can positively impact agile transformation.
Palavras-chave: Agile Transformation, Agile Software Development, Critical Success Factors, Project Management


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