MulSeMaker: An MDD Tool for MulSeMedia Web Application Development

  • Marcelo Fernandes de Sousa UFPE
  • Carlos André Guimarães Ferraz UFPE
  • Raoni Kulesza UFPB
  • Italo Ayres UFPB
  • Matheus Lima UFPB


MulSeMedia applications aim to stimulate other human sensory receptors such as mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors and thermoreceptors. They increase the degree of immersion of users as well as improve the Quality of Experience and are standardized by MPEG-V. It is currently possible to identify a gap in the definition of processes, methods and tools to support the systematic development of MulSeMedia applications. This paper presents a tool called MulSeMaker for the development of MulSeMedia applications in the Web domain. It was developed based on the application family concept from the Generative Software Development. In order to investigate evidence to confirm the benefits of the proposed tool, empirical studies were carried out to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data.
SOUSA, Marcelo Fernandes de; FERRAZ, Carlos André Guimarães; KULESZA, Raoni; AYRES, Italo; LIMA, Matheus. MulSeMaker: An MDD Tool for MulSeMedia Web Application Development. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 23. , 2017, Gramado. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 317-324.

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