A DRL Approach for Object Transportation in Complex Environments

  • Alysson Ribeiro da Silva UFMG
  • Paulo Alfredo Frota Rezeck UFMG
  • Gabriel Santos Luz UFMG
  • Tiago Rezende Alves UFMG
  • Douglas G. Macharet UFMG
  • Luiz Chaimowicz UFMG


Robots capable of transporting objects are suitable for many applications with societal and economic impact, such as waste retrieval, disposal, and object manipulation in space or the deep sea. However, formulating a coherent action plan is not trivial due to the size of the search space and the object's physical properties. With the recent advances in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), in this work, we propose, implement, and deploy value-based Deep Reinforcement Methods to tackle the determination of high-level actions that form robust strategies combined with a Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) method for object transportation through complex environments. The solution was evaluated in a simulation environment and deployed into a real robot. Our results show that DRL can learn strategies effectively, and the robot was able to accomplish its task.
Palavras-chave: Economics, Deep learning, Conferences, Education, Transportation, Reinforcement learning, Search problems, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Object Pushing
SILVA, Alysson Ribeiro da; REZECK, Paulo Alfredo Frota; LUZ, Gabriel Santos; ALVES, Tiago Rezende; MACHARET, Douglas G.; CHAIMOWICZ, Luiz. A DRL Approach for Object Transportation in Complex Environments. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 19. , 2022, São Bernardo do Campo/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 157-162.