Mapa Cultural do Ceará: Redesign based on the evaluation of usability and user experience


Digital collaborative maps are tools that allow the production and insertion of information about a space to be shared among users. One of these platforms is the Mapa Cultural do Ceará, with numerous registered agents and very relevant to the local cultural scene. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate usability and user experience to enhance the collaborative aspect through a redesign. The work was carried out in four stages: (1) heuristic evaluation and usability tests using the MAX method; (2) Analysis and triangulation of data; (3) Application redesign; and (4) Redesign evaluation with usability tests and interviews. From this, it was found that the process carried out helped to think of visual and interaction solutions that seek to enhance the collaborative character of the interface.
Keywords: Collaborative map, evaluation, usability, user experience


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ARAÚJO, Patrick de; CARNEIRO, Mateus; DARIN, Ticianne. Mapa Cultural do Ceará: Redesign based on the evaluation of usability and user experience. In: WORKSHOP ON ASPECTS OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION FOR THE SOCIAL WEB (WAIHCWS), 12. , 2021, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 1-8. ISSN 2596-0296. DOI:

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