Current Issue

2023: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop of Distance Education and Hybrid Learning

The Proceedings of the 1st Workshop of Distance Education and Hybrid Learning (WEADEH 2023) bring the papers selected and presented in the edition of the event held from November 06 to 10, 2023, in the city of Passo Fundo/RS, Brazil, as part of the 12th Brazilian Congress on Computers in Education (CBIE 2023), which had the theme "A school for the future: technology and connectivity at the service of education". In this issue, the proceedings include 06 full papers and 01 short paper, which were selected through a double-blind peer review. This volume was organized by Luciane Magalhães Corte Real (UFRGS) and Mariangela Kraemer Lenz Ziede (UFRGS), WEADEH 2023 Chairs. The articles in this volume were submitted on 09/03/2023, accepted for publication on 09/18/2023, with the final version submitted on 09/30/2023.

You can find more information about WEADEH 2023 by visiting the website of the event.

To access the Proceedings of other events that are part of CBIE 2023, visit the Proceedings of CBIE 2023.

Published: 2023-11-06

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