Current Issue

2023: Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Computing School of Bahia, Alagoas, and Sergipe

The Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Computing School of Bahia, Alagoas, and Sergipe (ERBASE 2023) bring the papers selected and presented in the edition the event held from September 18th to 21st, 2023, in the city of Ihéus/BA, Brazil, with the theme "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: The Robots of the Future". In this edition, the proceedings include selected papers for the following satellite events:

  • Workshop of Research (PESQBASE), which received a total of 16 paper submissions, of which 13 were accepted, resulting in an acceptance rate of 81.2%. These works were selected through a double-blind peer review process. The event was coordinated by João Carlos Nunes Bittencourt (UFRB), João Soares de Oliveira Neto (UFBA), Camila Bezerra da Silva (UFRB), Djalma Almeida Lima Filho (IFBA), and Rubens de Souza Matos Júnior (IFS). The articles were submitted on 09/04/2023, accepted for publication on 09/08/2023, and the final version was submitted on 09/15/2023;
  • Workshop of Experiments on Technology (XBASE), which received a total of 08 paper submissions, of which 04 were accepted, resulting in an acceptance rate of 50%. These works were selected through a double-blind peer review process. The event was coordinated by Adilson Santos (Cesmac), Eduardo Cardoso Moraes (IFAL), and Victor Travassos Sarinho (UEFS). The articles were submitted on 09/04/2023, accepted for publication on 09/08/2023, and the final version was submitted on 09/12/2023;
  • Workshop of Education and Technology (WEIBASE), which received a total of 08 paper submissions, of which 05 were accepted, resulting in an acceptance rate of 62.5%. These works were selected through a double-blind peer review process. The event was coordinated by Gilson Pereira dos Santos Júnior (IFS) and Tiago Oliveira Motta (UFRB). The articles were submitted on 09/11/2023, accepted for publication on 09/14/2023, and the final version was submitted on 09/15/2023.

You can find more information about ERBASE 2023 by visiting the website of the event.

Published: 2023-09-18

Workshop of Research - PESQBASE

Workshop of Experiments on Technology - XBASE

Workshop of Education and Technology - WEIBASE

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