A Survey on Skills of DevRel professionals
Context: Developer Relations (DevRel) is an organizational area responsible for maintaining synergy among developer communities and organizations. This team can be seen in companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft, with a business model based on software ecosystems (SECO). A DevRel team has roles that perform specific activities (e.g., hackathons, developer programs) to achieve the organization's goals and a better developer experience. Problem: The lack of clarity regarding the nature and set of skills needed by a DevRel professional can negatively impact the performance of related activities and consequently the purpose of SECO. Solution: We investigated a set of DevRel skills for education/training purposes. IS theory: This paper was generated from the perspective of the Theory of Organizational Creativity. This theory provides the key to understanding organizational effectiveness and survival. Method: We performed an opinion survey with 24 participants from ten countries. Results: The nature of DevRel's professional skills is soft skills in which communication, willingness to learn, teamwork, interpersonal, and listening skills stand out. Hard skills have their share of contribution to DevRel activities and marketing and software programming/development skills stand out. Contributions and Impact in the IS area: The main contribution of the paper is to make a product viable for any organization or individual to be able to develop the skills of a DevRel professional. Topics: Digital and business ecosystems
DevRel, Developer Relations, Roles, Soft Skills, Hard Skills
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V. Basili. 1994. GQM approach has evolved to include models.IEEE Software, v. 11, n. 1.(1994).
Clodis Boscarioli, Renata Araujo, and Rita Suzana. 2017. I GranDSI-BR Grand Research Challenges in Information Systems in Brazil 2016-2026 Organized by.
Pierre Bourque, Richard E. Fairley, and IEEE Computer Society. 2014. Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK(R)): Version 3.0 (3rd ed.). IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, USA.
Awdren Fontão, Sergio Cleger-Tamayo, Igor Wiese, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos, and Arilo Claudio Dias-Neto. 2021. A Developer Relations (DevRel) model to govern developers in Software Ecosystems. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process(2021), e2389.
Awdren Fontão, Sergio Cleger-Tamayo, Igor Wiese, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos, and Arilo Claudio Dias-Neto. 2020. On value creation in developer relations (DevRel) a practitioners’ perspective. In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on global software engineering. 33–42.
CC2020 Task Force. 2020. Computing Curricula 2020: Paradigms for Global Computing Education. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
César França and Diego Mellet. 2016. Soft Skills Required! Uma Análise da Demanda por Competências Não-Técnicas de Profissionais para a Indústria de Software e Serviços.
Alfonso Fuggetta and Elisabetta Di Nitto. 2014. Software Process. In Future of Software Engineering Proceedings(Hyderabad, India) (FOSE 2014). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1145/2593882.2593883
Vahid Garousi, Gorkem Giray, Eray Tuzun, Cagatay Catal, and Michael Felderer. 2020. Closing the Gap Between Software Engineering Education and Industrial Needs. IEEE Software 37, 2 (2020), 68–77. https://doi.org/10.1109/MS.2018.2880823
P. Klaus. 2008. The hard truth about soft skills. Workplace lessons smart people wish they'd learned sooner.Harper Collins (2008).
Tiago Lima and Josiane Porto. 2019. Análise de Soft Skills na Visão de Profissionais da Engenharia de Software. In Anais do IV Workshop sobre Aspectos Sociais, Humanos e Econômicos de Software (Belém). SBC, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 31–40. https://doi.org/10.5753/washes.2019.6407
Konstantinos Manikas. 2016. Revisiting Software Ecosystems Research: A Longitudinal Literature Study. Journal of Systems and Software 117 (02 2016). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2016.02.003
Gerardo Matturro, Florencia Raschetti, and Carina Fontán. 2019. A Systematic Mapping Study on Soft Skills in Software Engineering.J. UCS 25, 1, 16–41.(2019).
Vanessa Milon, Ricardo Araújo, Osenias Oliveira, Andréia Vieira, Adriano Mendes, Luis Braga, and Bruna Ferreira. 2019. Level UP: Mapping Hard Skills of IT Practitioners to support the Project Management. In Proceedings of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems. 1–7.
Jefferson Seide Molléri, Kai Petersen, and Emilia Mendes. 2016. Survey Guidelines in Software Engineering: An Annotated Review. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (Ciudad Real, Spain) (ESEM ’16). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 58, 6 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/2961111.2962619
Raphael Oliveira, Camila Ajala, Davi Viana, Bruno Cafeo, and Awdren Fontão. 2021. Developer Relations (DevRel) Roles: an Exploratory Study on Practitioners’ opinions. In Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 363–367.
Matthew Revell and Carla Texeira. 2019. State of Developer Relations 2019.
Sfia. 2021. The global skills and competency framework for the digital world. https://sfia-online.org/en
Mary Thengvall. 2018. Building a Developer Relations Team. In The Business Value of Developer Relations. Springer, 73–100.
George Valença and Carina Alves. 2017. A Theory of Power in Emerging Software Ecosystems Formed by Small-to-Medium Enterprises. Journal of Systems and Software 134 (08 2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2017.08.044
F. E. Weinert. 2001. Concepts of Competence: Definition and Selection of Competencies. Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations (DeSeCo). (2001).
Richard W Woodman, John E Sawyer, and Ricky W Griffin. 1993. Toward a theory of organizational creativity. Academy of management review 18, 2 (1993), 293–321.
Como Citar
CUNHA, Ana Elisa da Silva; CAFEO, Bruno B. P.; VIANA, Davi; FONTÃO, Awdren.
A Survey on Skills of DevRel professionals. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (SBSI), 18. , 2022, Curitiba.
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Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,