Are we ready for the World Cup? An ergonomic assessment to analyze the quality of 51 sites related to the 2014 World Cup and its mobile versions

  • Diogo F. Trentini UDESC
  • Fernando T. Wasilewski UDESC
  • Lucas F.  da Cunha UDESC
  • Isabela Gasparini UDESC


The World Cup is the world's most widely viewed sporting event. There are hundreds of websites that mention this event, therefore, an evaluation relating to the quality of user interaction is needed. This paper carried out an Ergonomic criteria evaluation of 51 websites related to 2014 World Cup event, and their mobile version, in order to evaluate their ergonomic quality and to find their ergonomic problems. This work aims to present the problems found in websites, their relation to the ergonomic criteria, and to compare the desktop website versus mobile/app version, besides it also wants to contribute for improving the user interaction with World Cup websites.

TRENTINI, Diogo F. ; WASILEWSKI, Fernando T.; DA CUNHA, Lucas F. ; GASPARINI, Isabela. Are we ready for the World Cup? An ergonomic assessment to analyze the quality of 51 sites related to the 2014 World Cup and its mobile versions. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS (SBSI), 10. , 2014, Londrina. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2014 . p. 280-291. DOI:

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