Current Issue

2023: Companion Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Computing Education

The Companion Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Computing Education (EduComp 2023) bring the selected and presented papers in the third edition of the event held online from April 24 to 29, 2023, with the theme "The Legacy of Remote Teaching in Computer Education". In this issue, the proceedings include short papers selected through a single blind peer review process for the following tracks:

  • Laboratory of Ideas, coordinated by Fernanda Gabriela de Souza Pires (UEA) and Marcela Sávia Picanço Pessoa (UEA), with works submitted on 01/30/2023 accepted for publication on 03/13/2023, with the camera-ready version submitted on 03/27/2023; 
  • II Workshop of Theses and Dissertations in Computing Education (II WTD-EduComp), coordinated by Rodrigo Silva Duran (IFMS), with works submitted on 01/15/2023, accepted for publication on 02/14/2023, with the camera-ready version submitted on 03/14/2023;
  • Tutorials, coordinated by Ricardo Edgard Caceffo (UNIVESP), with tutorial proposals submitted on 10/24/2022, accepted for publication on 12/20/2022, with the camera-ready version submitted on 01/23/2023; and
  • Panels, coordinated by Bruno Freitas Gadelha (UFAM), with panels proposals submitted on 03/06/2023, accepted for publication on 03/20/2023, with the camera-ready version submitted on 03/27/2023.

The Laboratory of Ideas includes 17 short papers, the II WTD-EduComp includes 06 master's works/doctoral works, 02 proposals for Tutorials and 03 proposals for Panels. Windson Viana de Carvalho (UFC) was the coordinator of the Program Committee of EduComp 2023. This volume was edited by Williamson Alison Freitas Silva (UNIPAMPA), Ana Liz Souto Oliveira (UFPB), Pedro Henrique Dias Valle (UFJF), and Ricardo Ferreira Vilela (UFCA).

To access the Main Proceedings of the EduComp 2023, please visit the Brazilian Symposium on Computing Education Proceedings series.

You can find more information about EduComp 2023 by visiting the website of the event.

Published: 2023-04-24


New Ideas Lab

Workshop on Theses and Dissertations in Computing Education - PhD

Workshop on Theses and Dissertations in Computing Education - Master's

Tutorial Proposals

Panel Proposals

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