Current Issue

2024: Companion Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Computing Education

The Companion Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Computing Education (EduComp 2024) bring the selected and presented papers in the fourth edition of the event held online from 22 to 27 April 2024, with the theme “The Challenges of Computer Education in the Context of the Popularization of Artificial Intelligence”. In this issue, the proceedings include short papers selected through a single blind peer review process for the following tracks:

  • New Ideas Lab, coordinated by Nathalia da Cruz Alves (UFSC), with submissions on 02/26/2024, accepted for publication on 03/18/2024, with the final version submitted on 03/25/2024;
  • 3rd Workshop on Theses and Dissertations in Computing Education (III WTD-EduComp), coordinated by Sheila Reinehr (PUC-PR), with submissions on 03/24/2024, accepted for publication on 04/05/2024;
  • 1st Contest of Theses and Dissertations in Computing Education (I CTD-EduComp), coordinated by Windson Viana de Carvalho (UFC) and Ellen Francine Barbosa (USP), with submissions on 03/11/2024, accepted for publication on 04/10/2024, with the final version submitted on 04/19/2024;
  • Tutorial Proposals, coordinated by Yorah Bosse (UFMS) and Amaury Antonio de Castro Junior (UFMS), with tutorial proposals submitted on 03/24/2024, and the final version submitted on 02/05/2024; and
  • Thematic Panels, coordinated by Ecivaldo Matos (USP), with proposals submitted on 03/24/2024, and accepted for publication on 04/05/2024.

There were 17 abstracts selected in the New Ideas Lab, 03 abstracts of ongoing master's/doctoral works presented at III WTD-EduComp, 09 abstracts of completed master's/doctoral works presented at I CTD-EduComp, 02 tutorial proposals, and 04 thematic panel proposals. Marco Aurélio Graciotto Silva (UTFPR) was the general coordinator of the EduComp 2024 Program Committee. This volume was edited by Williamson Alison Freitas Silva (UNIPAMPA), Newarney Torrezão da Costa (IF-Goiano), Pedro Henrique Dias Valle (UFJF), and Ricardo Ferreira Vilela (UFCA).

To access the Main Proceedings of the EduComp 2024, please visit the Brazilian Symposium on Computing Education Proceedings series.

You can find more information about EduComp 2024 by visiting the website of the event.

Published: 2024-04-22


New Ideas Lab

Contest of Theses and Dissertations in Computing Education

Tutorial Proposals

Thematic Panels

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